Tuesday 20 March 2012

Rihanna, Katy Perry, said a few years ago to begin planning


                              蕾哈娜将与凯蒂·佩里合作 称几年前就开始计划

Recently, according to foreign media reports Rihanna is about collaboration with Katy Perry  issued a song.

According to the Rihanna and Katy Perry's cooperation program in a few years ago already, Rihanna said in an interview: "We plan to record a song together, Katie and I, she is my favorite musician, is one of the industry, which is my favorite, she was very confident, very self, and this is very rare in this industry, we will soon be able to think to go. "

Two have worked together songs release date, Rihanna said: "may, over time, I still can not say, but this song will certainly be issued."

This article from online!!

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