Tuesday 13 March 2012

Rihanna and Chris Brown deserve each other states--A recent Newsday story

  A recent Newsday story titled "Rihanna and Chris Brown deserve each other states". The public has been shaking its collective head since rumors of a Rihanna-Chris Brown collaboration began circulating on the Internet last week. Some have questioned why Rihanna would musically reunite with her ex and whether their working together was a straight career move or a byproduct of her feelings for Brown. But based on the way the "We Found Love" singer markets herself, industry experts agree, her decision to collaborate with Brown is actually quite characteristic.

  "So much of (Rihanna's) music is about being in control of her," said Tamar Anitai, the managing editor of MTV Buzzworthy. "Some of her fans have been really surprised by (her working with Brown again), but a lot of her other fans are so used to her making these big, bold statements."

  In the end, fans reserve the right to support the artists or not, but onlookers have to remember, this is still a real and tumultuous situation.

  "People have the tendency to forget that maybe this isn't some kind of contrived career move or a staged opportunity for PR," Werde said. "This media-saturated world is trying to make sense of a very, very human decision.

  Apparently, Rihanna wants to show her independence and Brown wants to show that he can beat a woman and still get her to be friends."Rihanna has been in the game for a long time, Anita said, and she wants people to know that she makes her own decisions. "This is her way of saying, 'I've made peace with my past.' "And AJ Reynolds, who hosts Canada's Top 20 Countdown, said that all tracks featuring Brown have been pulled from the radio show after numerous parents complained.

  "I would like to think she's thought through the consequences, but I don't think she's making this decision with an eye toward her career," Werde added. "She's probably just thinking with her heart."

  Information come from cnn news.Thank you for your reading.

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